Weddings Look Good On You…(PART 1)

Weddings Look Good On You…(PART 1)

Went to a friend of mine’s wedding yesterday and it was a beautiful event.

But sitting there watching the screen display the groom and bride’s history I could not help but to reflect on my own life.

Now for those that do not know.  You have to understand this was my first wedding ever! It could be because i am not really personally close with my extended family why I’ve never attended one.  I mean isn’t that why most people go to weddings?  Are they not usally somehow related to the bride/groom?

But with that being said growing up marriage meant absolutely nothing to me.  Never went to them as a child and keeping mind my last post’s framework (read here), it is safe to say I have no emotional attachment to them.  Many of my friends brought their girls out and they dance and partied and all I could think to myself is….”not me no thanks”.  Even staring up at the bride and groom, who I am extremely happy for by the way and glad they invited me to share in this wonderful occasion.  But I kept saying to myself…”not me, don’t want that attention”.  At an age where I understand the term “never say never” is obviously in full effect….but I am sorry ladies I just don’t see me walking down the aisle.  This is for a number of reasons though (that I know unless the girl cared for me would not care about and I would be labelled a weirdo, which by the way is usually the way it goes.)

Now this is largely due to the fact that I find it highly enological that I will meet someone who I trust enough to even think about marriage.  I will spare you the details but my past relationships have not gone so well.  What amazes me is that really only two i really cared about ended.  Two relationships have left a bad taste in my mouth lol.  How can that be you ask?  Well I will get into that later….look out for my next post (Brushing Your Teeth).

Going to stop for now look out for part two tomorrow!

– Gardener

It’s Been a Long Time I Shouldn’t Have Left You..

Almost 7 days in fact…..

I started summer school and I am already behind in my readings…AND IT IS ONLY THE FIRST WEEK -__-

I am not amused.  Anyways good news on the music front, I might have a pretty good performance opportunity in the next few weeks, stay tuned.

Other than that…oh wait…I dropped a new video here:  5 PM in Toronto check it out!

I got alot to write about, but I am going to hold off for now.  It’s quite late.

– Gardener

Birthdays Do Not Mean Much to Me?

Birthdays Do Not Mean Much to Me?

Is that weird?

A person close to me recently celebrated their birthday and one thing I remembered about myself is how little my own bornday means to me.

I don’t know if it is my distaste for “First World Traditions” or maybe just the fact I only remember having one birthday party as a child.

I definitely think it is the latter.  I mean how can one expect to care about something especially “birthdays” without developing some form of emotion attachment to it?

I would think the majority of adults that whole heartedly love celebrating birthdays is directly linked to their child hood and experience with birthdays.  As a child they learned to love birthdays due to the presents or special family events, that occurred on their birthdays .  I think most of us agree that children depending on their age mostly likely love birthdays because it is their chance to get presents or experience someone else birthday and witness them getting presents/participating in a birthday party celebration.  What kid wouldn’t like presents, for simply being born?

As an adult this attachment to birthdays later matures into some form of emotional attachment rather than all about gifts, it morphs into some sort of philsophical ideal.  This ideal is shaped depending on the person’s character or perspective on life.

Take me for example:

I think that because I never really had an attachment as a child, to birthdays.  There was no feeling to mature as I grew.  I remember as a child getting pretty used to not having a party or anything special happen and on the opposite spectrum I witnessed my classmates and friends all having these amazing parties.  I think over time I just turned off the anticipated excitement, of my own birthday, as a way to deal with being disappointed.

When I became an adult, who never celebrates my own and I have not figured out if this is an overall positive or negative.  Well I know a lot of people I have meet think its negative and sad.  You’d be surprise how many lectures I have received on being heartless, because I am not particularly fond of celebrating events.

I always thought Mr Scrooge McDuck was misunderstood!

– Gardener