Results from Junior Achievement!!!!!

Results from Junior Achievement!!!!!

Today I took part in a Junior Achievement program where I was accountable for teaching the significance of balancing a budget and education.

I enjoyed it very much and the kids were very engaged in the material.  Actually I always wanted to be the teacher and me attempting to get a bachelors in English literature is definitely connected to that.

These sessions are a good way for me to judge whether or not teaching is something I enjoy.  I’ve done this program for 4 yeas now and it has been going great.

Hopefully I get to do it next year.

– Gardener

Junior Achievement

Tomorrow I will be volunteering with a company called Junior Achievement.  The program I will be participating in is called “Economics to Success”.  Basically this program involves teaching the students, who are in the 8th grade, about budgeting their money along with the importance of higher education.

I’ve done the program for the past three years and they have gone great and I am very excited for tomorrow.

I’ll be sure to let y’all know how it went!

– Gardener


Exam today at 7pm and I am up studying.

The class is Social Justice and I am not worried…that much!

After this is out of my way don’t worry I will get back on my blog!


– Gardener